10 eops staff members

EOPS Staff

Dr. Sherri Rodriguez

Sherri Rodriguez Picture

Dean, Special Programs

As Dean of Special Programs, Dr. Rodriguez is responsible for program planning, implementation, compliance and evaluation for EOPS, CARE, NextUp and Guardian Scholars.

Prior to coming to Los Angeles Valley College, Dr. 罗德里格斯曾在包括埃尔卡米诺学院在内的各种教育机构工作, USC, UCLA and UC Santa Barbara. Before her career in education, Dr. 罗德里格斯是一家表演艺术中心的媒体采购员,也是一家广播电台的宣传总监.

She earned her Bachelor’s degree at California State University, 她在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得了教育领导力博士学位.

Dr. Rodriguez may be reached at (818) 947- 2726 or e-mailed at @email.

Armine Akopyan

Armine Akopyan

Counselor, EOPS/CARE

As an EOPS Counselor, Armine Akopyan is responsible for providing academic, career, transfer and personal counseling to EOPS/CARE students.

此前,Armine曾担任洛杉矶贸易技术学院(Los Angeles Trade Technical College)和Mt. San Antonio College. While working at Pasadena City College, she served as General, EOPS, STEM and First Year Experience Counselor. 在圣莫尼卡学院,她作为欢迎中心的顾问支持学生. 此外,在洛杉矶皮尔斯学院,Armine在职业和转学中心与学生一起工作. 她还为加州州立大学北岭分校的EOP学生提供咨询.

Armine是一名前社区大学和EOP学生,从帕萨迪纳城市学院转到加州州立大学, Northridge (CSUN). 她拥有心理学学士学位和咨询硕士学位, with an emphasis in College Counseling and Student Services.

Armine Akopyan can be reached at (818) 947-2432 or e-mailed at akopyaa@safarinautique.com.

Jessica Araujo

Jessica Araujo

Counselor, EOPS/CARE

As an EOPS Counselor, Jessica Araujo is responsible for providing academic, career, transfer and personal counseling to EOPS/CARE students. 她也是CARE项目的主要顾问,负责审核资格和计划所有活动, workshops, conferences and field trips.

Prior to Valley College, 杰西卡是洛杉矶教会学院教师路径项目的顾问. In addition, 她在各种社区大学的EOPS/CARE项目中有超过六年的工作经验. 她也是洛杉矶普惠学前劳动力和专业发展的专业成长计划顾问/顾问,在那里她为那些对洛杉矶县感兴趣的人管理了早期儿童教育学位意识和成就的提高.

After earning her Associate’s degree at Los Angeles Mission College, she transferred to California State University, 她在北岭大学获得了家庭和消费者科学学士学位,主修家庭研究. 她在La Verne大学获得教育咨询硕士学位.

Jessica Araujo can be reached at (818) 947-2432 or e-mailed at @email.

Alma Olivares-Luera

Alma Olivares

Counselor, EOPS/CARE

As an EOPS Counselor, Alma Olivares-Luera is responsible for providing academic, career, transfer and personal counseling to EOPS/CARE students.

Professor of Counseling, Alma Olivares-Luera, has been an EOPS counselor at Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) since 1997. 她刚从LAVC研究生院毕业就开始了她的职业生涯,作为第三章拨款的一部分.

她在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得了英语学士学位,并在加州州立大学获得了教育心理学和咨询硕士学位,并选择了职业咨询, Northridge.

Alma Olivares-Luera may be reached at (818) 947-2432 or emailed at @email.

Jessica Ruiz

Jessica Ruiz

Counselor, EOPS/CARE/NextUp/Guardian Scholars

As an EOPS Counselor, Jessica Ruiz is responsible for providing academic, career, transfer and personal counseling to EOPS/CARE/NextUp students. 她也是NextUp/Guardian学者项目的主要顾问,负责验证资格和促进会面, events and workshops.

Before coming to Los Angeles Valley College, 杰西卡曾在圣莫尼卡学院担任职业顾问,在那里她继续作为兼职教员教授职业规划课程. As a paraprofessional, 她在洛杉矶西南学院的残疾学生项目和服务(DSPS)为学生服务. 她也是帕萨迪纳城市学院就业中心的职业顾问.

Jessica is a former Valley College and EOPS student. She attended LAVC and transferred to California State University, Northridge (CSUN) where earned her Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Sociology. Additionally, 她在CSUN获得了教育心理学和咨询的理学硕士学位,并选择了职业咨询.

Jessica Ruiz can be reached at (818) 947-2432 or e-mailed at @email.

Miguel Sandoval

Miguel Sandoval

Counselor, EOPS/CARE

As an EOPS Counselor, Miguel Sandoval is responsible for providing academic, career, transfer, and personal counseling to EOPS/CARE students.

He has worked as an Academic Specialist, Math Intervention Counselor, and Career/Transfer Counselor at Los Angeles Mission College. 在洛杉矶皮尔斯学院,他担任过多种角色,如寄养青年联络员. 在帕萨迪纳城市学院,他曾担任总顾问,目前在学术支持服务项目工作, which is a federally funded TRIO program. 在洛杉矶山谷学院,他曾帮助STEM和非学分部门的学生.

He is a Los Angeles Valley College graduate, earned his Bachelor Science degree from the University of California Los, Angeles and a Master Science degree from California State University, Northridge. 他有丰富的经验,曾在许多社区大学工作过,并希望帮助学生实现他们的学术目标。.

Miguel Sandoval can be reached at (818) 947 – 2432 or e-mailed at @email.

Carissa Gonzalez

Carissa Gonzalez

Student Services Assistant, EOPS/NextUp

As the Student Services Assistant for EOPS/NextUp, Carissa is responsible for supervising the clerical student workers. 她还为EOPS内的青年培养项目NextUp提供帮助和支持.

在EOPS工作之前,Carissa曾在洛杉矶皮尔斯学院担任财务援助助理. 此外,她在LAVC有超过五年的招生和记录工作经验. She also works as a community liaison for a food pantry, in which she works with low income and homeless individuals/families.

Carissa is a former Valley College student. After earning Associate’s degrees at Los Angeles Valley College, she transferred to California State University, 她在北岭大学获得了社会学学士学位,并选修了社会福利专业. 随后,她在CSUN获得了教育管理硕士学位,并选择了高等教育.

Carissa Gonzalez can be reached at (818) 947-2732 or e-mailed at @email.

Julian Sun


Senior Office Assistant, EOPS

As the Senior Office Assistant for EOPS, Julian Sun is responsible for the program database, MIS, and providing clerical support to the EOPS counselors and staff. 此外,他还负责为EOPS学生提供优先注册和教科书服务.

Julian Sun can be reached at (818) 947-2727 or e-mailed at sunjc@safarinautique.com. 



Alex Ojeda

Alex Ojeda

Coordinator, NextUp/Guardian Scholars

As the NextUp/ Guardian Scholars Foster Youth Programs Coordinator, Dr. Ojeda负责确定目前和以前在洛杉矶山谷学院就读的寄养青年,并确保他们的需求得到满足.

Dr. Ojeda是洛杉矶使命学院(Los Angeles Mission College)的转校生,获得了基础教育学士学位, a Master’s Degree in Chicana & Chicano Studies and a Doctoral Degree in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies from California State University Northridge (CSUN).

Currently, Dr. Ojeda是CSUN的犯罪学和司法研究教授,也是CSUN MOSAIC项目的主任,该项目为在圣费尔南多谷继续/替代高中就读的“风险”青年提供大学生导师. In addition, 他在洛杉矶教会学院为目前的寄养青年提供独立生活计划(ILP)课程.

Dr. Ojeda may be reached at (818) 778-5763 or e-mailed at @email.


Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday:  8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Tuesday: 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM

Friday: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Student Services Center, 2nd Floor