学生教育计划 (SEP) Request

所有新, Continuing and Returning students who need a 学生教育计划 (SEP) may request one by clicking the 学生教育计划 Request Form


Your 学生教育计划:

To access your SEP, go to your 学生门户,点击“管理类” tile, scroll down and click on “学生教育计划,然后点击 现任顾问SEP在册.

Your 学生教育计划 may include courses required for your major (some of these courses may require additional prerequisites), general education and elective courses.

  • 先决条件 are courses or skills you need to satisfy before enrolling in a particular course. For example, completion of English 101 with a C or higher grade is a prerequisite for English 102.
  • 主要 requirements are a series of courses in a specific field of study or subject area.
    • 主要 course requirements for Associates Degrees can be found in the 程序映射器 或者在 LAVC目录.
    • 主要 preparation for students planning to transfer to a California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC) can be found on www.协助.org.
    • Courses required to transfer to a private and/or out-of-State university may vary for each college/university. Consult with a counselor and/or the intended transfer institution.
  • 通识教育 is a pattern of courses from various disciplines which are required for graduation from a college or university.
    • 的 Intersegmental 通识教育 转移 Curriculum (IGETC) is a pattern of courses that students can complete to satisfy Lower-division 通识教育 (GE) requirements at any University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) campus.
    • California State University 通识教育 (CSUGE) pattern can be used to satisfy lower-division general education requirements for the CSU system only; therefore is appropriate for students who are only planning to apply to a CSU.
    • 通识教育 plan satisfies general education requirements for an Associate Degree only and should be used by students who do not intend to transfer to a university.
  • 选修 courses are used to meet unit requirements for a degree or transfer and can be selected from any subject area based on the student's interest. 选修 courses used for transferrable unit requirements must be designated as (CSU) or (UC:CSU) transferrable.

If you still need 协助ance understanding your 学生教育计划,联络 咨询在线帮助台.



Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 7:00PM



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